
Gone Phishing!

Some Key thoughts and simple advice about how to recognise and protect yourself against the modern curse of fraudulent email scams.

Art Influencing Change

Linking my thoughts on these turbulent times and examining Protest Art as a powerful medium for change and promoting WARNING SIGNS Art Exhibition.

Trusted Seller?

Earning your Trust

Trust, what is it and why does it matter In this current political climate where words like honesty and integrity are only spoken about in…

Android Anxieties

Watch out artworld, the rise of the robots is upon us! Rise of the robots! what’s the issue? Well… AI (Artificial Intelligence) generated artwork seems…

Urinals Image

Subtraction and Division

Pondering the great “art and artist” debate and other modern dilemmas. Okay wasting no time, what’s the issue? “Can we, should we, separate art from…

ART – what is it good for?

Recently I went to an inspiring event – Jeremy Corbyn MP, former Labour Leader and his friend and comrade Len McClusky, recently retired General Secretary…

Unleash the Tiger

People born in the Year of the Tiger are said to be natural leaders, who walk and talk confidently and inspire respect. They are courageous…

Lost and Found

It happens to us all, we’re working on a design project, lose sight of the bigger picture (i.e being focused on the brief) and get…

Getting off the Ground

HI folks, this is a revised blog that I originally wrote back in the salad days of 2019 PP (Pre Pandemic). Its relevance now though…